7 juin 2012

What does represent Freirina's factory?

Submitted by Anonyme (non vérifié)

The factory of Freirina in Chile is an expressive example of capitalism. We find all the elements which compose this mode of production nowadays. We find both contradictions that are the roots of capitalist development: contradiction between manual and intellectual labor, between city and countryside.

1.The main aspect is of course exploitation. Factories where animals are slaughtered are places where the capitalist rationalization is at its climax. Technical speed and total use of workers' skills are the ground of such factories. It is easy to see the degree of exploitation that exists in such places. The working class is a very important source of profit in such modern factories.

But this is not all. The massive use of animals since the 1950's is an expression of the attempt of the capitalist mode of production to find others source of exploitation.

This was analyzed in the document Crisis of capitalism and intensification of productivity: the role of animals in the tendency of the rate of profit to fall (not translated, exists only in French: Crise du capitalisme et intensification de la productivité: le rôle des animaux dans la chute tendancielle du taux de profit).

2.The second aspect is the modification of balance in the biosphere. The bourgeoisie is born with the cities and the communists know with Engels that the cities will die with the bourgeoisie.

This contradiction between city and countryside is expressed today by a massive ecocide. Capitalism sees the living Earth as a “rock” to exploit.

Freirina's factory (the pictures come from there) represents all of that. The masses revolting against the pollution... Thousands and thousands living beings – 500 000 - “produced” to suffer and die, only for capitalism to make more profit... This is a terrible example.

And the closing from one day to another, with 500 000 animals left alone, suffering and condemned to be slaughtered in the “urgency”, shows the bloody dimension of this process.

Here, we must see also the criticism that we have to make on friends and comrades around the world. In Chile for example, since some years there is a real important anarchist insurrectionalist movement, practicing armed propaganda through incendiary devices.

But these anarchists are no “common” anarchists; they are vegans and radical ecologist, i.e. “primitivists”. Even if these people are petty bourgeois, their positions should have been studied: where do they come from? Why do some petty bourgeois go to illegality?

The reason – not seen by friends and comrades – is that they are ROMANTICISTS. They are like the narodniki in Russia; they are the expression of the massive destruction of the balance that existed in the countryside.

In this sense, they carry a rage that comes from the dignity of reality. And a criticism should be based on dialectical materialism. The romanticists are indeed individualists but pretend to fight for the whole planet: this is a contradiction.

We, communists, say that we humans do no “think”, our conceptions are a mere reflection of the eternal movement of matter, going to communism. In this sense, the total priority is the whole; they are no real different “individuals”, we all have the same basis, the same components, we all think the same logical way, in a reflection of the movement of eternal matter.

The factory of Freirina in Chile is here a deep insult to the movement of matter, based on symbiosis, on fusion. Humankind can not have such an insane relationship to living matter on planet Earth.

Like the article on the role of animals in the tendency of the rate of profit to fall noted:

“Capitalists have managed to get a higher rate of surplus value, ensuring that the value of the work of the working class grow.

For this, they took advantage of automation, robotics, computing and higher cadence.

This is what capitalists call “rationalization” of production (or “quality approach” in the language of managers); a variety of tasks have been reorganized so that each worker is more efficient (…).

Capitalists have tried and tried to combine the extensive aspect with degree of intensity, that is to say they have tried to find a raw material which, with the using the techniques of rationalization of production (Fordism , Toyotism, etc..), magically multiplies itself.

The capitalists then found the goose that lays golden eggs. And what is it? Well, a chicken. The capitalists have realized that the animals were alive and that therefore it would be possible to use this “free” source of production for maximum performance.

The capitalists have discovered that if a kilo of wheat and another kilo of wheat did not lead to arise a third kilogram of wheat, this was not the case for animals.

Then, they generalized the use of animals in the industry: it is the appearance of one side of the huge industrial slaughterhouses, where the intensity of work is enormous, and is combined with a permanent increase in productivity.

And on the other side the extending use of animals, beyond food, for the entire industry (meat and bone meal, fats for machines, photographic film, etc. ...).”

The result of this is hell. A hell on the cultural level, on the moral level, on the economical level, on the ecological level, on health.

This is the real wall on which the capitalist mode of production will be broken. Communism appears as the defense of the Biosphere and the generalization of symbiosis. Socialism will not use nuclear plants (which breaks atoms), but the nuclear energy from the sun (which merges atoms).

Freirina's factory is indeed more than a symbol. It is the proof of the destructive march of capitalism in all parts of the world. There is a direct link between between the destruction of the Amazon and the quest of Helium 3 on the moon for the next generation power plants, between the attempt (that can not succeed) of colonization of Mars and the criminal production of palm oil in Indonesia (on this last matter, the movie Green can be seen here).

This is all imperialist “development”, a “development” which is also the direct enemy of the People's War in India, in the tribal zone. What counts here is the question of everyday life, of the values that the masses want to have.

In the joint document between the CPMLM of France and the comrades of Bangladesh (which formed the CPMLM of Bangladesh), “Let’s face climate change !”, after having explained the ecological problems in both countries, it is said in a just way:

“The world masses want to live in a pacific, a progressive way, where they can improve culture and science, and they demand a world human civilization.

And they know that for this, they need the struggle, the people’s war against oppression and exploitation. The world masses won’t let the planet being totally shaped by capitalist exploitation and its pollution.

They want the beautiful mangrove forests of the Sundarbans to exist, they want to be able to see the stars in the sky in Paris, the “city of lights” that are artificial and serving only a bourgeois life, full of illusion and greed.”

This is mass line. The masses want to live in a way conform to their natural existence; these are the teachings of Karl Marx in the 1844 Manuscripts, of the Chinese popular Communes, of Spinoza, of Epicurus, of all materialism.

Forgetting this is impeaching the revolution, it is forgetting the sense of Stalin's slogan during the construction of socialism in the USSR: “Life is getting better and happier too!”

We, communists, want a world without Freirina's factory. All Freirina's factories in the world will close. We will accomplish Thomas More's Utopia, we will have the artistic inspiration of the socialist society described by William Morris' News from nowhere.

Art and science will lead our peaceful lives, and we will spread life on others planets.

There are no time, no space, no desire, no feelings, no perspective for Freirina's factory. Freirina's factories must be closed, they will be closed!

