20 sep 2011

Line, tendency, fraction and the question of Nepal

Submitted by Anonyme (non vérifié)


What is happening in Nepal shows in a sad manner how trotskyist conceptions managed to be adopted in the World Communist Movement and even Organizations and Parties pretending to uphold marxism-leninism-maoism.

It is really obvious when we see that the people speaking of a “red line” in the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (maoist) are in fact using these words in the trotskyist sense of “tendency” and “fraction”.

1.What is a red line

For marxism-leninism-maoism, a phenomena obeys to the laws of the dialectic of nature. The phenomena has a development following its own nature, which is its matter and the environment of which it is a part.According to marxism-leninism-maoism, the phenomena is so studied in its development, from below.

And we can see that, in this development, 1 become 2, the phenomena moves forward, changes, “grows up” and finally dies.In the field of ideas, the expression of the growth is the red line, the expression of the collapse is the black line.

2.What is a “tendency” ? and a “fraction”?

For trotskyism, there is no dialectic of nature. There would be no life and death of a social phenomena, but only a mechanical tendency to revolution, and this “permanently”.

Because of this, the duty of the revolutionaries is to be on the most left structure, to push things forward, which would work “automatically” because it would the inherent tendency. Trotsky elaborated this conception in the main trotskyist work: “The programm of transition”.Doing this, trotskyism build an (internal) tendency in the most left structure, and because it never works this (internal) tendency become a (open) fraction.

This is the story of trotskyist parasitism.

3.Two line struggle, a question of life and death of the revolutionnary process

According to marxism-leninism-maoism, the two line struggle happens during the life of a phenomena. The reason is obvious: the red line is the expression of life.

As long as the USSR and the people''s republic of China were on the revolutionary path, their societies were alive. But the more the path is not followed, the more the black line grows, and the more the socialist society get weak.

This was understood in a magistral way in China, where Mao Zedong organized the Great Leap Forward and called to the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, so that the chinese society stays on the red path.But when the soviet and the chinese societies were not on the red path at all, then the black line took over the control of the societies, and another revolution became necessary.

4.The revolution and its development in Nepal

For the so-called maoists and real trotskyists, nothing happened in Nepal with the peace agreement in 2006.

This is because they looked the phenomena from above, and not from below.And they look it from above because they have a mechanical conception of the nepali revolution.

They don''t understand that the nepali revolution progresses in spiral, and so that the people''s war can suffer huge defeat if its development is not correctly understood by the avant-garde.

Only the fact that the nepali revisionnists like Prachanda pretend that they have invented a “tactic” is a proof of their non understanding of the scientific laws of dialectical materialism.It is not possible to “invent” the development: its reality is a phenomena and the avant-garde must follow it to the end, as red line, expression of the development itself.

This is the basis of the dialectial materialist understanding of people''s war as the insurrection of matter, as a necessity of matter itself.

5.Two lines or two fractions

A line is the expression of life (for the red line) or death (for the black line), its ideological synthesis has a high level, because it is question of path for the phenomena. It is what is called a crisis.A line is so an expression not of a tactical problem, but of a strategical one.For this reason, there are not two lines in the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (maoist).

They are two tendencies, tendencies that disagree on many points, and now so many that they become openly opposed, and so fractions, open and public tendencies.

But both were favourable of the peace agreement, both pretended to “choose” the path of people''s war, instead of understanding people''s war as the insurrection of matter.Both accepted prachandism in the 2000''s, with the promotion of “socialism of 21st century”, the rejection of the dictatorship of proletariat under the direction of the Communist Party (in name of “democracy”), etc.

So, the differences in the the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (maoist) are differences of tendencies, but not of lines.

6.Revisionnism and trotskyism in the international MLM movement

The fact that the concept of two line struggle is used in such a trotskyist way, just to justifiy the nepali revisionnism, is a huge problem. It shows that it is necessary, on the international level, to have scientific definitions, so that no opportunist can use them in the manner it want.Of course, it won''t change the nature of opportunism, that will find many ways to justify itself.

But at least, it would help to fight against it, putting away confusion and upholding the scientific approach, which is called “dogmatism” by the trotskyist tendencies in the international MLM movement.

Let''s uphold dialectical materialism!

The dialectic of nature is the nucleus of our ideology: marxism-leninism-maoism!

Let''s resolve the contradiction between intellectual labor and manual labor, between city and countryside!

CPMLM, September 2011
